Qweeko: a story of impact
We founded Qweeko to meet a clearly defined mission: to provide concrete solutions to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment sector to reduce its impact.
Our Team


Our story
2020: The encounter
Marie and Martin meet and decide to join forces to develop and deploy an environmental score applied to electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). Their objective is clear: to provide concrete solutions to the EEE sector to allow a reduction in its impact.

2021: The launch
Suite à la création de la société, Qweeko met en place un partenariat avec les Arts & Métiers pour accompagner son développement scientifique et recrute une doctorante pour mener le programme de R&D.
Deux étapes clés, qui permettront d’identifier la puissance de l’analyse de cycle de vie et les freins liés à sa mise en oeuvre, et qui guideront le pivot de Qweeko vers le produit que nous proposons aujourd’hui : notre solution d’automatisation de l’ACV.

The construction
L’équipe technique, constituée sur l’année, permet d’accélérer les développements et de sortir la v1 de notre solution. De premiers partenariats commerciaux vont permettre de la tester, et nous construisons en parallèle un précieux écosystème : Tomcat Factory, EDHEC Entrepreneurs, Station F, Future40, etc.

2023: Commercialization
Notre équipe grandit, et nous permet d’atteindre de nouveaux objectifs : optimisation des solutions technologiques et accélération de notre commercialisation. Qweeko devient également le prestataire d’ACV recommandé par Rexel !

Qweeko's values
At Qweeko, our values represent a real decision-making tool that we rely on. Thus, we defend them on a daily basis, in our operation, our management and our development strategy.

Transparency is the essence of Life Cycle Assessment. We apply it to our business as well as to our internal and external communication methods.

Conquest refers to the notions of resilience, adaptability and ambition that are essential to achieving our goals.

Scientific excellence
Automating LCA yes, but never at the expense of the relevance of the results generated. Scientific excellence is part of our DNA and has also become a strong differentiator of Qweeko.

Individual performance at the service of collective performance!

Acting in line with our mission means limiting our environmental impact personally and at the company level.

We believe this value is essential for good team cohesion and for the proper functioning of Qweeko.
Just over a year ago, we were looking for an LCA and PEP solution for our industrial customers and supplier partners, and came across Qweeko's offer. One of our major suppliers volunteered to test the solution and compare the results with analyses previously carried out by an LCA expert. Our supplier's feedback was clear: faster, simpler, and completely consistent results. I then presented Qweeko to a customer in the electric panneling trade who was looking to understand this new world for his company. Qweeko's very didactic approach enabled my client to be reassured about the seriousness of the proposal and to place an order very quickly. Qweeko went through the process with the customer, proposed a schedule for the deliverables and finally kept its commitments to him. It's a success story that we'll be replicating with other customers and suppliers in the coming weeks. For all these reasons, Rexel has signed a contract with Qweeko.

Benoit Ribault
Director of Projects, Innovation and Services

Having already had some experience of LCA and PEP creation, it was easier to assess Qweeko's work and the collaboration proved to be very positive. We found a team driven by a genuine interest in sustainable development and a thorough knowledge and understanding of the PEP and LCA environment as well as industrial constraints. Very professional, very efficient and very satisfying.
Gwenaëlle Saliou-Secretan
Head of LCAs Zehnder France

I'm delighted with the successful collaboration we've had with Qweeko. ITEC was able to carry out life cycle assessments and draw up PEP sheets for its flagship products in fast-track mode, thanks to the talented team at Qweeko. I'd like to thank them for their professionalism, efficiency and friendliness! Thank you to our partner Rexel for putting me in touch with them.

Maria Lajaate
Sales director

Our ecosystem